Life X Plastic

Find an environmentally friendly alternative to life in plastic.

Start with the products you buy:

How can we live more sustainable lives?

The bulk of the burden to reduce plastic waste doesn't fall on individuals, but we can still make a difference. If you're already recycling, composting, bringing your own produce bags and tote bags to the supermarket, and collecting plastic bags and film to recycle, you're on the right track. 

But what else can we do?

As consumers, we have the power to support specific brands and products. By choosing to buy environmentally friendly packaged products and plastic-free options, we are creating a demand and a push for change. Our goal is to get more companies to shift towards sustainable products and away from single use plastic.

We've embarked on a journey to reduce our personal use of plastic. We started with the basics: hygiene, soaps, dental products, and personal care.
Join us as we test and report back on the best plastic-free and environmentally friendly packaged products!